Family Law Sydney Group

Family Law Sydney Group

This blog is about family law. We are not lawyers, what we have put in here, is solely for guidance and insights.

Steps of Securing Your Rights in De Facto Finances

Couple these days consider de facto relationship is a happy one! It may be true because in the first place this type of commitment does not limit you to enjoy your freedom to the fullest. However, whether you are happy with it or in the process of getting involved in a de facto relationship because for you, it doesn’t matter if your personal interest is taking for granted, your legal and financial status perhaps can be a costly mistake. With that in mind, the court has made a necessary ruling of settlements of asset and properties to satisfy. And that couple who are into these relationships out of wedlock should satisfy the court is in fact de facto by law. If you doubt about this law, you can ask a better and legal advice from reputable family lawyer sydney cbd.


What You Should Know About ‘De Facto’ Relationships


  1. Some people assumed they were part of ‘de facto’ couple, yet have been surprised when the court ruled the law which was introduced in 2009 to extend rights for de facto couples which do not apply to some.
  2. When the de facto relationship wasn’t proven, there is no pre-nuptial financial agreement takes place or even if they have not registered their domestic relationship with their state’s Justice Department.


How to safeguard your future? Follow these steps:


In entering into a financial agreement with your de facto partner provides some certainty towards whom own what during the relationship and beyond a family lawyer Sydney cbd can assists you by bringing such document.


When the relationship breakdown, the document is such a big help to you and the court to prove a de facto status, and this way the property division rights applied similarly to a married could under the Family Law Act. The law also applies to same sex relationships.

Under de facto entitlement, one of the major features of this legislation is that de facto couples are now allowed to split superannuation between partners because these funds are considered part of jointly owned assets. In contrast to being in a de facto relationship for at least a year can reduce the level of benefits to which you are entitled.


Moreover, if the Department of Human Services identify that an applicant is living together with a partner.  Whether married or not and regardless of gender, it will take into account the combined assets and earnings of both partners before evaluating the level of the benefits to be paid to each of them. This will apparently result in a lower benefit for a person living as a couple.


What are the Benefits of having a ‘De Facto’ relationship?


Remember there are several numbers of final privileges in declaring de facto status. For example, the government provide a rebate for a private health insurance is huge for families compare with the singles, and a de facto couple is considered as families for this purpose.


In addition, partner to which aren’t married but with whom you have a unique domestic relationship can be assessed as the spouse in order to claim income tax concessions. And when you register your de facto relationship with the suitable state authority, your legal rights and responsibilities are the same to those of married couples.


In this event, your partner died – you definitely be entitled to share in the interstate estate and financial assistance under the Succession Act. At the same time, you will receive compensation under Workers Compensation law and social security privileges under Commonwealth Social Security Act.



Top 10 Reasons to Consult a Best Family Lawyers Sydney

In terms of legalities there are lots of lawyers that have specialization. Hence if you are looking for a professional that you need for family related cases then consult best family lawyers sydney. Family lawyers cover issues that involve, divorce, child custody & support, domestic violence, property settlement and estate and wills planning. These are among the issues they handling, so for better result you have to find one that is not only have a good communication also, check out how many family law cases they are able to win.


Best family lawyers Sydney work on several cases and family disputes. They help and guide those who need them from filing cases to courts up to counselling which they think a great help to their clients. Here, will give you the top 10 reasons why a family law lawyers are needed.


  • These days it’s not secret at all that lots of couples applied for pre-nuptial agreement before marrying. Yes, it is true! Couples who are getting married are now seeking legal advice to protect their assets. The prenuptial agreement can help individuals retain whatever possessions and money when relationship comes to an end.


  • If relationship does not go well which might result to a divorce, then you have to speak with a family law lawyer to ensure that your decisions will guided accordingly.


  • As stated above, separation or divorce complicates when children are involved. Expect that issue with regards to custody become much complicated and legal experts are capable to ensure your both rights that are upheld.



  • Property and asset settlement are also complicated issues that need to settle with the guidance of a family lawyer. Couples that are divorce may definitely file for a property settlement –it may cause long disputes then.


  • Moreover, there is several financial considerations – variations that may be confusing. A lawyer can guide you and explain well what persons are entitled to and how to fight your rights to get them.


  • The grandparents have the rights also to visit their grandchildren. Even couples are breaking up but the rights of a grandparent will not be forgotten. They have the right to seek legal advice if either the parent stopped them from visiting rights.


  • Couples that complicating a separation may wish to ask an advice to a legal advisor to discuss their rights making certain that everything will be done properly.


  • Live-in or unmarried couples that are wishing to move in together may look for an advice to a legal team especially if one of them has properties or large assets that need to be protected.


  • Estate and will planning – when these involve – a legal professional is required to sort this out. Also, if children reach the age of 18 and above should consider including them in a will and testament.


  • If victims dwell in an abusive relationship could ask help to lawyers. They must do it to support when they need to get out in a situation. This usually involves women and children, thus as much as possible you must seek it to protect you and your children’s rights.


If these situations happen to you and you need assistance, you must automatically speak with the family lawyer today to guide you all throughout.